I have a job for you!

I have a job for you!

But I will pay you only 25% of what you are worth!

Six months later, in the midst of economic downturn, over 150 million people lost their jobs and more than double this number are suffering to make ends meet. People are forced to choose between keeping their jobs in exchange for a drastic pay cut or accepting significant challenges for less pay.

In the meantime, the media in the Middle East brags about the hospitality business gaining occupancy over last year. Yet, hotel owners keep their employees on pay and benefits cut.

Now, I’m not saying that preserving jobs on pay cut is a bad measure in such situation, but expecting highly skilled hotel professionals to provide best standards and leadership should not come cheap. Or so cheap?!

I understand that many talented professionals have no choice, but I wonder if it’s worth to keep a job that is draining your savings?

Hotels face the prospect of a long recovery, but when the market comes back, what would happen to careless hiring decisions?

What will happen to all the Premium properties that hired “monkeys and paid them peanuts” throughout this crisis?

What will happen to all the receptionists that turned general managers and all the restaurant managers that turned COOs?

I assure you the travel will return and the market will rebound.

The talent will be needed once again.

This moral bankruptcy will come to an end and all who are now undervalued will have their comeback.

I have a job for you!

Thank you, but no thank you.

Salem Touma 

Senior Consultant

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